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Curious Cat in A Bakery

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Don't Forget to Grow

"GROW" Through the grindings of time, grow. Through the cease and flow, grow. Through the flickering, grow. Through the seasons of change, grow. Grow through me and you and everyone around. Grow since the beginning of time up till eternity, For there's nothing to stop for you to grow. Journal clicks. CANON EOS 1100D 10.25.2022 P.S. : All this time, I have been a mess. Have waited for something to hold onto. But it was always right in front of me, waiting for me to get hold of. You. Yes! You are the reason that I am still holding on, breathing, becoming and growing. Thank you so very much for all the support that you've showered through thick and thin. Thank you all for believing in me. I hope to not let you down. Stay hooked on the upcoming journey. Peace.                                 


  "AMIDST LAMENTING" The fundamental idealistic view in Buddhist philosophy suggests that 'everything is momentary'. Although, it is never the reason for them to look down upon life. In fact, they rejoice life to its extremities and even exercise their lifestyle to reach the transcendental goal of existence, as perceived by Buddha.  I am at such a point in life which is quite hard to make meaning of, to go through; more so because there is no one beside me. It does not hurt, though. It would have been a little better if there was someone to go to. Never the less, there is some thing. There is all the knowledge that I have experienced on my own terms since I could make meaning of them. Through everything, I have been alive and taken just the learnings and moved on. Looking back, moving forward - a journey that has never stopped, neither it will today because of me. It is beyond me. Maybe I have to rest for a while, in silence, under a tree. But the journey will continu...

A Click for You

"STAY" It was a bright sunset view from my rooftop that particular evening. The scenery hit the perfect proportion of mesmerism and tranquility. If only words could put together the exact nature of the feelings that were flowing through my senses at that moment. Nevertheless, the silhouette of the folded staircase over the gracious backlit sky made a beautiful frame. This click goes to the person I've hold the dearest to me for the longest of time. I never had thought it would be this way, but I have chosen it this way. To be honest, and maybe this is the only place and way I can even decipher and put it into words, that I cannot understand a lot of things, hell lot of things there is I tell ya! It takes some more time than normal  for some, and some doesn't ever make a dent into my head. But, I try, I DO, you know. I never said it and I will never in front of you.  I choose to stay. Susnset clicks REDMI NOTE 4A 02.02.2022 P.S. : I am immensely apologetic for leaving ...

Abstract Fungi CLiCK!

  "THE FUN GUY" All this time, it has been a performance. Creation of an abstract show is all there is today. The work is until the bridge is constructed. Realization of the intuitive fear around the corner is an untimely phenomenon. Alive I am, until the death in the valley of children. Fungi clicks. CANON EOS 1100D 11.01.2021

Click of A Phase

"GLIMPSES" The freedom of 'I' has become so much prevalent, that a sense of dependency creeps out. The peaceful inertia, although remains calm, everything seemingly calls for a state of nowhere. But. Everything is connected. Indeed so, and I, thereof take up the journey. Without questioning a single means, the path continues in solitude. In a magical world, sleep rocks the baby with or without a lullaby. Street-side clicks. CANON EOS 1100D 10.01.2021

The Innocent Whimsicality of Children

  "LITTLE ONES"     Over the years that I've lived, there's one thing that always remains a constant which I keep coming back to because it is worthy of it. The child inside me. Children are like dewdrops. They are truly these beautiful angelic beings who are incapable of nothing. They are themselves the beam of joy and bring the same to everyone surrounding them. They are always mischievous and running about their whims. You can catch them, but can never hold them back. And all the while, if I have learnt something from these little buddies, it has to be "the art of living".  To all of the children out there, take love. Children clicks. CANON EOS 1100D 09.01.2021