It is the month of June already as we are continued to be in quarantine. In this part of the world, it's monsoon now and so comes splashing every now and then, The Rain.
I don't really know but this very season is a bit closer to me than the others of the cycle. There's no particular reason I could think of except for the fact that the day I was born, it rained heavily as they say. So maybe it's that or maybe something else but when the rain comes and with it the strange feeling of something that I cannot really express, I suppose, the cold but gentle touch of nature along with the smell of the sky and as it pours down on the city all over and just cleanses her down is what I really look forward to every time.
As I write this, it's again a cloudy sky outside now and that's the best part of this time.
The more I talk about rain, the lesser it will be and so I'm signing off here. But before that, this is a song and a tanka used in a movie which is too close to my heart. So, here they go ----
"A faint clap of thunder
Clouded skies,
Perhaps rain comes,
If so, will you stay here with me?"
Rain clicks.
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